Shayne Wolfe-Prague, Czech Republic 2017

Race: Hawaiian, Chinese, Japanese, Filipino, Portuguese, German, Irish, Scottish
Age When Abroad: 21 

In 2017, I studied abroad during the spring semester of my junior year in college. As a freshman, I spoke to the study abroad table at one of those “Welcome to College” fairs, and ever since then I knew I wanted to participate in a program abroad. However, I had no clue where or what even was possible; I would not figure out those details until much later. All I knew at the time were two things: I really wanted to study abroad & I had no money. As a first-generation college student with a single parent, I come from a modest family background. My main challenge would be to figure out the best program for my specific situation.

 I really wanted to make this happen, so I spent as much free time as possible in the study abroad department on campus. The more time I spent working with the study abroad advisors, the clearer my options and my eventual path became. With much help from many around me, I found the perfect program for me: The University of Economics in Prague, Czech Republic. It was affordable! It was a business school, applicable to my undergrad studies. It was a CSU-sponsored program, so the credits gained abroad were preapproved and accepted by CSU! It was in Europe, generally where I wanted to be. Better yet, it was in Central Europe, so I could easily travel to all the other major countries on my wish list (and I went to a new country almost every week). I did all of the necessary prep work (applications, documents, visa, saving & budgeting, etc.) and was ready for this great adventure.

 But with all the planning in the world, I never could have expected to have such an exciting, once in a lifetime experience. I have met great friends from all over the world. I have walked sidewalks and seen castles and art pieces that most folks only see in movies. I got to experience other cultures and perspectives, which in my opinion is an extremely important yet underrated benefit to studying abroad.

To anyone out there who is open to it, considering it, on the fence about it, unsure for any reason at all, I implore you to really give it a chance. Find a resource like Blessed to Be a Blessing or your campus study abroad department, spend time there, ask questions, get to know the advisors or others who have studied abroad, share your hesitations, and see if you can overcome them. There are affordable programs out there. There are scholarships out there. It’s possible! Each study abroad journey is personalized to the individual, but it is a journey that you may never get to experience otherwise. I have some of the best memories of my life in Prague and throughout Europe, and if I could do it again, I would do the same exact thing. Though not impossible, I think it is fair to say that it only becomes harder to find resources and time after college to do this; the best time to start thinking about it is now.

 Safe travels!


Chand Jiwani- Argentina 2014/Semester at Sea 2015


Shawn Wall- New Zealand 2014