Daphney Phradestin- Seoul, Fall 2023

Age When Abroad: 22
Race/Ethnicity: Haitian American

Studying abroad was one of the best experiences I've had as a college student, meeting many new people and forming connections I hope to maintain. As an exchange student in South Korea, I was fortunate to be part of Yonsei University in Sinchon, Seoul, which became my home for the fall semester. The campus was expansive and beautiful, adorned with lush greenery and plant life. Each day, I enjoyed the picturesque walk to class, passing through a small forest that added to the serenity of the environment.

Another highlight of studying abroad as a Yonsei student was embracing the school spirit. Attending Akaraka, the spirited Yonsei vs. KU cheer event held at our university, was an unforgettable experience. Decked out in our royal blue school merch and jackets, my friends and I tried to join in the chants and felt the energy as students cheered on their teams.

Exploring various cities in Korea like Suwon, Jeju Island, Busan, and Gangneung was another delightful aspect of my study abroad journey. Sharing these adventures with newfound friends created lasting memories that I cherish. Initially apprehensive about studying abroad and unsure if I'd forge meaningful friendships, I'm grateful for the opportunity to have created such fun and enduring bonds.

In conclusion, while traveling to another country can be intimidating, stepping out of your comfort zone to embrace new experiences is immensely rewarding. Studying abroad not only allows you to learn about another culture but also provides the chance to connect with others who are navigating this adventure alongside you for the first time.

Travel Tips:

  1. Plan trips within the country you are visiting to explore more beautiful cities.

  2. Have some days exploring the country by yourself.

  3. Try volunteering at local churches or hospitals.

  4. Try building a close relationship with your professors while studying abroad to make good connections.


Taz Walker- Medical School in Grenada